What I mean by that is.the Resident Evil movie franchise. Now to look at this movie you'll see right away its slick, but slick in a predictable way. At the same time, another mysterious corporation wants both the old bloke and his daughter whacked presumably to stop the secret falling into the wrong hands? They send in agent 47 in to do this, so they obviously control the only super soldier clone going and they wanna keep it that way.

So the evil corporation goes after the daughter of the old bloke who started all this. But guess what, some really evil nasty corporation wants the secret so they can make lots of these guys and conquer the world.or something like that. The old bloke who created this project grew a conscience and ran off trying to hide the secret to creating these super soldiers. Speed, strength, agility, intelligence, super reflexes, bigger than average cock.the list goes on. So, there's this single agent bloke, he's a super soldier, assassin, clone, type bloke with all the trimmings you would expect. I here by present to you my review of 'Resident Evil 6: Agent 47'. They are creating an adaptation of a popular videogame franchise, they know what has happened before, they know what people want, they know about the pitfalls, but somehow.some bloody how.they make all the same mistakes again. The quite unsurprising, yet still, truly gobsmacking and painful fact is Hollywood just doesn't get it, they just don't ever ever learn! I mean seriously, a child picks up things quicker than Hollywood.

Holy schnitzel! yet another reboot!! I guess the main difference here is the fact they have actually tried to reboot a poor movie instead of a decent one.

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